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We will also explain how you can be part of this outstanding culture and advance your career while creating a global impact.</p><p> </p><p>Specifically, you will get insights into:</p><ul><li>Ericsson's History, Vision</li><li>Role of GAIA in Ericsson</li><li>AI in product and service portfolio</li><li>Telecom automation journey</li><li>AI/ ML use cases</li><li>Vision of future network operations</li><li>Find out how you can become a part of this great journey - providing limitless connectivity & creating tomorrow - today</li></ul><p> </p><p><strong>About Ericsson</strong></p><p> </p><p>Imagine a better, brighter tomorrow. You can be the one who makes it possible.</p><p> </p><p>For more than a century, our technologies have transformed every sector of society, helping to create positive change. As the tech firm that created the mobile world - with more than 54,000 patents to our name; we\u2019ve made it our business to make a mark. With us, you will no longer be dreaming of what the future holds \u2013 you will be redefining it. Leveraging everything from hyper-automation to multi-experience. A place where you're welcomed as your own perfectly unique self and celebrated for the skills, talent, and perspectives; you bring to the team.</p><p> </p><p>Ericsson India is considered a Great Place to Work. From 2015 to 2022, for 8 consecutive years, Ericsson India is listed among the Top 100 India\u2019s Best companies to work for.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>About the GAIA Team</strong></p><p> </p><p>Global Artificial Intelligence Accelerator (GAIA) has been set up as a center of AI excellence to accelerate the AI roadmaps across all Ericsson\u2019s Business Units and Market Areas around the world. GAIA was established in 2018, with an aim to drive Thought Leadership via AI driven Innovation along with powering research and development. Across hubs in the United States, Canada, Sweden and India, GAIA hosts around 300+ experts to fast-track the strategy execution.</p><p> </p><p>GAIA is key in accelerating the execution of Ericsson's focused strategy by leveraging cutting edge AI and Automation technologies to create data driven, intelligent, and robust systems for automation, evolution, and growth. Our team of experts continually push the envelope by building, testing, and adopting AI integrated solutions with our partners building on the vast learnings from our extensive global networks. Teams in GAIA build and deploy AI models into production with a focus on scaling, monitoring, and performance.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Why Join GAIA in Ericsson?</strong></p><p> </p><p>At Ericsson, you\u00b4ll have an outstanding opportunity. The chance to use your skills and imagination to push the boundaries of what\u00b4s possible. It will be practically impossible for human brains to understand how to run and optimize next generation of wireless networks, i.e., 5G network with distributed edge compute, that will drive economic and social transformation for all aspects of society. Machine Learning (ML) and other Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies will be vital for us to handle this opportunity.</p><p> </p><p>Machine Intelligence, the combination of Machine Learning and other Artificial Intelligence technologies is what Ericsson uses to drive thought leadership to automate and transform Ericsson offerings and operations. MI is also a key competence for to enable new and emerging business. This includes development of models, frameworks and infrastructure where we in our advancements push the technology frontiers. We engage in both academic and industry collaborations and drive the digitalization of Ericsson and the Industry by developing state of the art solutions that simplify and automate processes in our products and services and build new value through data insights.</p><p> </p><p>Do you have in depth understanding of Machine Learning and AI technologies?</p><p> </p><p>Do you want to apply and extend those skills to solve real complex problems with high societal impact, going beyond ML/AI for consumption and advertising?</p><p> </p><p>Then, you do want to join Ericsson\u2019s global team of Engineers/Scientists pushing the technology frontiers to automate, simplify and add new value through large and complex data.</p><p> </p>", "eventLocationType": "virtual_event", "completeVenue": "", "when": "past", "eventSessionsJson": {}, "selectedTimezone": "Asia/Kolkata", "startTimestamp": 1674210600, "endTimestamp": 1674214200, "eventDateAndTime": "Jan 20, 2023, 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM | Asia/Kolkata", "editable": false, "eventTeamEditable": false, "allowEventArchive": false, "isArchived": false, "eventCategory": "", "eventLandingURL": "https://app.eightfold.ai/events/candidate?plannedEventId=8xbEdqO4BZ", "eventType": "OPEN", "eventCompanyName": "Ericsson", "eventTypeDisplay": "Open Event", "permissions": {"MANAGE_CAMPAIGNS": false}, "customInfo": {}, "publishJson": {}, "checklistCompletionMap": {"eventTeam": true, "landingPage": true, "targetPositions": false, "assessmentForm": false, "addResume": true, "isEventPublished": true, "inviteCampaign": true, "invitedCampaign": false, "reminderCampaign": true, "applicantCampaign": false, "talentPoolCampaign": false, "appliedCampaign": false, "attendedCampaign": false}, "assessmentTemplates": {"templateIds": []}, "eventTeam": [{"email": "alwin.rajan@ericsson.com", "firstName": "Alwin", "lastName": "Rajan", "role": "Recruiter", "profilePictureSrc": "", "customInfo": {}}, {"email": "roshan.zameer@ericsson.com", "firstName": "Roshan", "lastName": "Zameer", "role": "Recruiter", "profilePictureSrc": "", "title": "Recruitment Operations Director (31771515)", "location": "Bangalore (IN_BAN)", "profileEncId": "rQVexVNwMo", "customInfo": {}}, {"email": "stephy.wilson@ericsson.com", "firstName": "Stephy", "lastName": "Wilson", "role": "Recruiter", "profilePictureSrc": "", "customInfo": {}}], "eventNotes": [], "activeRegistrations": true, "registrationEmailTemplateId": 562949953426093, "qrCodeEnabled": false, "pastEventActiveRegistration": false, "importResumeEnabled": true, "eventSpeakers": [], "eventBucket": "STANDARD", "isEnabledForTM": false}, "landingJson": {"configData": {"homePageBanner": {"image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/event_banner_image/1673608345-8xbEdqO4BZ.png", "title": "A beautiful SFO Image", "useImage": 1}, "navBar": {"color": "#CCD1D1", "image": "https://static.vscdn.net/images/careers/demo/ericsson-sandbox/ECON_RGB.png", "link": "https://www.eightfold.ai", "background": "#0e0e0e", "opacity": 1, "title": "Ericsson"}, "registerButton": {"text": "Register", "backgroundColor": "#0346A2", "textColor": "#ffffff"}, "greetingText": "Meet us at", "showJobPositionWidget": true, "jobPositionWidgetTitle": "Jobs We Are Hiring", "companyName": "Ericsson", "companyDesc": "Ericsson is a provider of technology and services to telecom operators. 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